Uhuru Kenyatta Congratulates Mnangawa on His Poll Win

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President Kenyatta sends a congratulatory message to Emmerson Mnangawa on his election as President of Zimbabwe. In his statement, he pledged close alliance with Zimbabwe to strengthen development and economic stability in the African continent.

“The mandate bestowed on you by the citizens of the Republic of Zimbabwe is a clear affirmation of their high regard and confidence in your able leadership,” he said in a statement on Monday.

“I look forward to continue working with Your Excellency to further deepen our bilateral relations in areas of shared interests for socio-economic benefit of our respective countries and people. As you embark on a new mandate in Office, I wish you every success and reiterate Kenya’s commitment to close cooperation in pursuit of peace, economic development and stability on the Continent to ensure that the aspirations of Africa’s Agenda 2063 are realized,” he committed.

South Africa’s President, Cyril Ramaphosa, sent his congratulatory note on Friday urging the Chamisa-led Opposition alliance to accept the outcome of the poll.

“Congratulations to His Excellency Emmerson Mnangagwa on his election as President of Zimbabwe. We urge the people of Zimbabwe to accept the outcome of the election or follow the legal route should they wish to challenge it. We look forward to great working relations with you,” Ramaphosa indicated.