AFIDEP – African Prosperity Relies on Projects Like Yours

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At the African Infrastructure Development Partnership (AFIDEP), we are committed to helping African business flourish by providing support and guidance to bankable projects across the continent. We do that by not just helping to make international investors and entrepreneurs aware of those projects, but also by helping ensuring they’re properly structured in such a way that they attract interest and ultimately fulfill their potential.

“Where do these ‘bankable’ projects come from?”
The simple answer to that question is from entrepreneurs and business people from Africa, whose ideas and drive need to be showcased to the wider world. That means if you have a project that you feel needs to be given exposure and support, that you should be submitting it for consideration. As they say “fortune favours the brave” and in the 21st century, African commerce needs projects like yours to help change attitudes in the International business community towards trading in the African markets.

“What if I don’t think I’m ready?”
At the AFIDEP, we believe that there are many perfectly capable and hugely marketable projects in existence that aren’t moving forwards because of a lack of confidence or a perception that the value of those projects won’t be acknowledged by international investors and businesses. The work we do fully prepares any given project to become bankable and we help to unlock the inherent potential by making the right people aware of its benefits and likely return on investment.

So, you might not think that your business idea is ready for submission, but that shouldn’t stop you from doing so, because we are able to spot potential and realise it by:

  • Creating a business plan that illustrates the projects value and benefits
  • Helping to create a financial plan up to as much as 5 years into the future
  • Assisting potential bankable projects to form a solid management team – vital for success
  • Producing an executive summary, allowing potential investors to see a project’s value at a glance

So, you see that we leave no stone unturned in preparing you and your project for market and it is this that should give you the necessary confidence to submit your idea to us, something you can do by getting in contact via this link or submit your project online.

ADIC 2018
On October 25th and 26th 2018, we are holding our annual African Development & Investment Convention in Zurich. The convention looks set to be the best yet and will be attended by wealth of international and African businesses people, all with the common goal of exploring trade and investment opportunities in Africa.

There’s still tickets left which can be purchased via this link  and for those serious about success in the African markets, it’s going to be the place to be.

Act Now
There has never been a better time to make the next step with your project ideas, as we at AFIDEP are helping to mobilise more and more African businesses to connect with major international fund managers, governments and entrepreneurs from across the world.

Our vision is an Africa freely trading and doing business with the wider world and with no misconceptions about the stability and validity of trading with businesses in countries on the African continent. For this to be realised, we need projects like yours, so don’t delay and get in touch!

Author: AFIDEP 2018