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Theme: Realising Women’s Rights: A Different Approach
Date:    4 – 6 July 2018
Venue:  Novotel Paris Centre Eiffel Tower Hotel, 61 quai de Grenelle, Paris, France.

The world is currently experiencing unprecedented global movement for women’s rights, equality and justice, such as #MeToo. The empowerment of women, increasing women’s participation in all aspects of political, social and economic life, has been one of the major goals of democratic and participatory movements, as well as women’s organizations throughout the world.

Europe and Africa have had close historical, cultural and geographical ties for several years, with little effect in the gender space. EU-Africa relations are based on the 2000 Cotonou Agreement with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, which grew out of the 1975 Lomé Convention, based on the cardinal principles of democracy, prosperity, people and migration – with gender issues and women’s rights occupying a central position.

Nonetheless, persistent gaps remain in women’s rights and status, women’s access to healthcare, education and opportunities, women’s ability to work, to defend against entrenched patriarchal levels of violence, and limited freedom to make their own choices. As such, experts have maintained that reducing gender inequalities requires smart and sustained investment in policies and approaches that have proven impact in dismantling obstacles to women’s rights and empowerment.

In realising the rights of women, the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development in conjunction with the African Leadership Magazine and Amazons Watch Magazine, presents THE EU – AFRICA WOMEN SUMMIT – PARIS 2018. This Summit will bring together the thoughts, insights and divergent views of female luminaries from the worlds of business and politics in the EU as well as their African counterparts, who have shown extraordinary commitment towards defence for human right, as well as that of stakeholders and experts on issues relating to women’s rights, equality and justice.

With the theme set as: Realising Women’s Rights: A Different Approach, featuring keynote conversations, panel discussions, one-on-one interviews and interstitial spotlights, this summit is an important and timely contribution to a major on-going debate and movement for women’s rights with the aim of outlining and discussing different approaches, strategies, mechanisms and tools for women empowerment in the society; whilst fostering knowledge sharing on best practices that would benefit both regions.

THE EU – AFRICA WOMEN SUMMIT – PARIS 2018 shall have the following key components:

  1. High-level Keynote Conversations and Paper Presentations
  2. One on One Interviews
  3. Female Luminaries Roundtable Session– A high-level panel session with female leaders from all walks of life.
  4. CSR & Gender Equality– A roundtable discussion with companies and organisation making CSR women-friendly.
  5. A pre-forum 3 days Women Leadership Development Master-class
  6. CELD’s Africa Impact Leadership Awards
  7. Interstitial Spotlights
  8. Amazons Watch Magazine Showcase of Top 100 EU-Africa Female Luminaries & Best 40 Companies Investing in Women Empowerment
  9. Unrivalled Networking Opportunities


  • Female heads of Government
  • Deputy Heads of Government & Senior Female Government Leaders
  • First Ladies/ Wives of Heads of Government
  • Major Industry Titans & Stakeholders
  • Female Heads/ Members of Boards
  • Female Business Leaders
  • Academics, Researchers and Research scholars
  • Women Development and Finance institutions

For more information on participation, please contact our office, as shown below-
Centre for Economic and Leadership Development
C/O Amazons Watch Magazine
Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent
Portsmouth, PO2 8FA
United Kingdom.

Tel:  +44 7459 647093