Ethiopian Airline Reveals Plans to Start Cargo Flights to Zhengzhou

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Ethiopian Airlines is set to start cargo flights to Zhengzhou, China. Busera Awol, the Chief Commercial Officer at Ethiopian Airlines, revealed the planned cargo flights to Zhengzhou will increase networking between the central Chinese city and Africa.

“Ethiopian Airlines currently has daily passenger flights to Guangzhou and Beijing and three times a week passenger flights to Chengdu as well as daily passenger and cargo flights to Hong Kong and Shanghai,” he said.

Busera Awol did not disclose when the cargo flights planned to Zhengzhou will begin or the possible flight frequencies under consideration.

Earlier this year, Yared Berta, the Regional Director of China, Mongolia and North Korea for Ethiopian Airlines, said the airlines’ planned cargo flights to Zhengzhou is part of efforts to attract new customers, particularly in China’s hinterland.

“Currently ET transports about 80,000 passengers and 60,000 tons of cargo annually through its five gateways in China,” said Yared Berta.

Ethiopian Airlines became the first African carrier to fly to China back in 1973.