Investments, Innovation, Partnership Tops the Agenda As Business Leaders Plan To Attend the East Africa Business Summit & Awards, Kigali – 2018

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United Kingdom

May 30, 2018

Portsmouth, UK: Investment Opportunities, Innovations in Business and partnerships will top the agenda as over 150 African Business Leader plan to attend the African Leadership Magazine’s East African Business Summit & Awards, 2018.  The event with the theme, Sustaining East Africa’s Economic growth through Partnerships, will attract business leaders from 15 sectors, including Construction, Energy, Manufacturing, Banking & Financial Services amongst others. 

Already confirmed to attend this event which is billed to hold on the 20-21 July are business leaders from Kenya; Uganda; Rwanda; South Africa; Nigeria amongst others. 

During this event, African Union Commissioner for Trade & Industry, H.E. Albert Muchanga, will also discuss the benefits of the recently launched African Free Trade Areas, to the continent’s business leaders. The Summit & Awards, which is scheduled to hold in Kigali, Rwanda, will also be sued to honour selected businesses and business leaders, who have contributed towards the growth of the continent and job and wealth creation.   

East Africa remains the fastest-growing sub region in Africa, with an estimated growth of 5.6 per cent in 2017, up from 4.9 per cent in 2016. Growth is also expected to remain buoyant, reaching 5.9 per cent in 2018 and firming further to 6.1 per cent in 2019. However, the sub-region as well as Africa’s industrialization aspiration lies beyond these numbers.

Sustainable growth requires strategic regional interaction, collaborations and partnerships, among business leaders in the region and the continent at large. To this extent, the African Union and other regional and continental blocks are pushing for closer ties and more business-to-business engagements, within the sub-region and continent at large. Expectedly, Intra-Africa trade have become a buzzword in the continent. AU’s ambitious drive to boost intra-Africa trade stems from a recent findings which shows that trade volume in sub-Saharan Africa will more than triple by 2030, from 102.6 million tonnes in 2009 to 384 million tonnes.

Thus, sustainable economic growth and development as well as Africa’s industrialization aspiration is only realizable within the context of a connected continent. Prevailing realities have shown that only Africans can truly understand and solve Africa’s problems. This summit will therefore galvanize home grown solutions for solving peculiar challenges faced by business people in the sub-region.

This event seeks to provide a unique platform for strategic engagement, networking and business promotion. It is also an avenue for rewarding business excellence, and best practice in east Africa’s business landscape.

Some highlights of the event include:
1)    High-level panels and Keynote Presentations
2)    Interactive Sessions
3)    Ideating sessions
4)    Unrivaled Networking Opportunities
5)    Unveiling of the Special Edition of the African Leadership Magazine with focus on the region’s leading business leaders
6)    Award presentations

About African Leadership Magazine:
The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (UK) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom (Company No. 07435198). The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.

Since its maiden edition, African Leadership Magazine has grown to become a leading pan-African flagship leadership-focused publication read by over 1, 000, 000 targeted international investors, business executives, government policy makers and multilateral agencies across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Europe and the US. It is distributed at major international and African Leadership events around the world. The magazine has over 850,000 subscribers/Followers on facebook and a virile readership on other social media platforms. It is a niche and unbiased African voice born out of a desire to ameliorate the lot of Africans by focusing on individuals and corporate bodies that are known for their legacy-based approach to leadership. We believe in building sustainable leadership in Africa through exchange of ideas in tandem with global best practices. The magazine shall continually seek to herald the dawn of a new Africa as the continent of promise and global leadership, championed by people of integrity and resilience who are rising from the challenges of an unpleasant past; thereby preserving a legacy for future generations of our people.


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