Rwanda Ministry of Environment Bans the Use of Plastic Bottles

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Ahead of the World Environment Day to hold on June 5, the Rwanda Ministry of Environment has decided to stop the usage of disposable plastics such as water bottles, cups and straws in the institution.

This information was revealed by the Ministry’s head, Dr. Vincent Biruta who also was sited in a post on Twitter, saying that the institution will instead switch to sustainable and reusable alternatives such as glasses and refillable water dispensers.

This decision also applies to the Ministry’s agencies, including the Rwanda Environment Management Authority, Rwanda Meteorology Agency, and Rwanda Green Fund.

The 2018 World Environment Day has been titled “Beat Plastic Pollution”, in accordance with the theme, and the Ministry is set to lead this Drive in the country.

“As we prepare to celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay, @EnvironmentRw and agencies will no longer use single-use plastics such as PET bottles and straws. We can all make simple changes to #BeatPlasticPollution, reduce waste, and protect our health and environment,” a tweet from the ministry said.

Minister Biruta also tweeted: “I encourage everyone to join us to #BeatPlasticPollution! Disposable plastics like bottles, cups, straws, cutlery and plates are very dangerous for the environment. Sustainable alternatives exist!”

According to Biruta, simple human behavioral change can have a big impact on the environment.

“For example, if you go to the supermarket or any market to buy food, you can carry your own cloth bag. People need to start using reusable water bottles, say no to disposable straws, cutlery, plates and cups, and pack food in reusable containers. Let’s change the bad habit of using disposable plastic and invest in sustainable alternatives that are better for us and our environment,” Biruta said.

In a separate post, the ministry called on other institutions to follow suit.

“The Ministry of Environment encourages all institutions in #Rwanda to use less plastics, including by installing water dispensers and using glasses or cups rather than disposable bottles in meetings,” the tweet reads.

Having succeeded in abolishing the use of plastic bags in the country the, Rwanda looks to also stop the use of plastic bottles in order to keep the environment safe and clean for the people. Therefore, the Ministry of Environment plans to bring other public institutions into this movement urging them to reduce their reliance on single-use plastics.

It is also understood that the Government is in the process of revising the current plastics law to reduce single use plastics and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of plastic recycling.