Youths Petition World Leaders to Increase Education Funding

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The efforts of over 1.5 million youths who had signed a global petition to world leaders for them to come together and launch an International Finance Facility for Education has been noticed by the United Nations, World Bank and regional development banks.

The youth activists representing most countries in the world had met with the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres in New York bearing a single message: “We need more and better funding for education to achieve our full potential.”

The petition was led by young people who work with several organizations which includes the world’s network of 900 Global Youth Ambassadors in 90 countries, BRAC in Bangladesh, and Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi in Pakistan. The petition is aimed at getting world leaders to provide an additional US$10 billion for global education investments for the most marginalized young people throughout the world.

UN Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, President of the Inter-American Development Bank, Luis Moreno, and the World Bank’s Vice-President for Human Development, Annette Dixon who also attended the meeting argued that the International Finance Facility for Education could be useful for countries Africa.

The UN believes that if universal education is achieved, the GDP per capita in low-income countries will increase by almost 70% in 2050. The Facility will work towards making – quality education for every child – possible within one generation.