Kenya: Government to Provide Communities with Free Television

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Keeping communities informed with the latest trends and information happening in their country and around the World is part of the Kenyan government’s plan with the programme that has been designed to increase access to information in marginalized communities.

The One-year programme which the Kenyan government is collaborating with the Chinese government is looking at targeting homesteads which have little or no access to a television.

At the launch of the survey for the programme to determine the eligible households in Voi, Taita Taveta County, the Team Leader of the Eastern region, Mr Justus Kimanga said that over 200 county locals with benefit from the programme.

24 public facilities and 160 homesteads will be connected with satellite television services and the Voi, Taveta, Wundanyi and Mwatate sub-counties will be among the initial beneficiaries of the initiative. According to the plans of the programme, each beneficiary of the project will have a solar-powered television, a decoder and a satellite decoder.

The first phase of the programme will start off in May and work its way to all the approved counties in the region and expected to be completed by June. While the second phase is expected to be completed by December.

Mr Agustus Munyoki, Programme Director is confident that the programme will enlighten the community and iterated on the people’s right to information which will then lead to nation building.