Rwanda: IT Graduate takes up Pineapple Farming

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Youths in Africa are discovering that asides going to a university and studying for years, there are other endeavors you can get into to make a living.

Felix Mujyanama is one of such resourceful youths creating a resourceful avenue for himself. With a degree in Information Technology from the Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC), Kigali, he is still interested in trying out a few changes which has put him in the Agricultural sector.

Since discovering that a piece of land owned by him had the necessary soil structure required to grow pineapples, the 26-year old has wasted no time in exploring this option. Resident in Gatenga, Kicukiro, his farm now employs a lot of Rwandans.

He started farming pineapples in 2016 with a capital of Rwf 80,000 and has since been able to balance his life in the world of IT and as a pineapple farmer. Today, this worthwhile investment generates over Rwf 2,000,000 monthly for him while he runs a firm called M&K Company Ltd.

He hopes to expand his business to cover a far larger scale since his acquisition of a four-hectare piece of land in the Nyanza District, which he also hopes will be the location of his home.

As with any business, Felix’s farm is without its own challenges, but he is confident that with the right amount of investment both financially and time, he will be able to turn up profits after expansion.