Cameroon: Online Magazine, “From Cameroon” to promote Patriotism

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  • Three youths create an online bilingual magazine to project the good image of Cameroon.
  • The magazine is aimed at promoting tourism, attracting investors and enabling Cameroonians to know all natural wonders of the country.

Speaking with the General Manager of the Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation, Nyome Melone, Alvine Melone and Bikai Melone discussed the magazine named “From Cameroon”.

The magazine is named as such because publications will seek to champion and strengthen Cameroon’s unity and demonstrate a high level of patriotism through the initiative. It will also showcase all the resources that Cameroon has so that citizens know that the country has everything it takes to achieve success and growth.

The youths have invited Cameroonians in the diaspora as well as members of the private sector with diverse experiences to join in the initiative with no language, cultural or educational borders.

Representing the initiative, Nyome Melone said they all got their education in the United States of America and decided to come back to Cameroon whom he described as a ” great country but not known by many especially in the Diaspora.”

The founders have travelled extensively within the country to discover the natural, touristic, economic and development endowments which they publish in the magazine. “We want the world to know that Cameroon is a country extremely blessed by God and we want people to really visit and enjoy Cameroon.” Alvine Melon, Co-founder of “From Cameroon” said.

After succeeding to attract people to the country, she added, “We want people to embrace the opportunities that we have in Cameroon, invest here and create jobs.”