Top 15 Quotes every honourable ruler should master.

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  1. Noble leaders choose wisdom over wealth, knowledge over fame, understanding over honour, virtue over titles, and people over power.
  2. Oppress several, and you have several enemies. Oppress many, and you have many enemies. Help numerous, and you have numerous friends. Help countless, and you have countless friends.
  3. The poor can dream. The weak can hope. The helpless can strive. The powerless can rise.
  4. Lend your ears to the deaf, your eyes to the blind, your hands to the weak, your tongue to the mute, your mind to the perplexed, and your heart to the weary.
  5. If you despise your people, you will disregard them. If you hate your people, you will harm them. If you esteem your people, you will serve them. If you love your people, you will even die for them.
  6. The pen is mightier than the sword; it should never run out of ink.
  7. Poverty is bad, but so is decadence. Tyranny is bad, but so is chaos. Injustice is bad, but so is godlessness.
  8. There is no future for a nation without God, no hope for a ruler without understanding, no joy for a people without guidance, and no prosperity for the country without wisdom.
  9. Lead rationally. Lead responsibly. Lead resiliently. Lead reliably.
  10. A ruler who is loved is greater than a ruler who is feared.
  11. The greatest leaders are the greatest servants.
  12. If you have power, be just; wealth, be generous; knowledge, be wise; titles, be humble; and life, be grateful.
  13. If you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure.
  14. Good leaders are intelligent; great leaders are wise. Good leaders are bold; great leaders are fearless. Good leaders are artful; great leaders are kind. Good leaders are warriors; great leaders are servants. Good leaders are managers; great leaders are innovators.
  15. Ordinary leaders move mounds, great leaders move hills, but extraordinary leaders move mountains.

“Upon this build your nation,” the teacher said.
“The noble can be trusted;
the corrupt must be penalized;
the wise must be promoted;
and the imprudent must be disregarded.” ~Matshona Dhliwayo