Liberia: WTP Donates Rice Thresher to Female Farmers

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During the harvest of six hectares of lowland rice recently in rural Montserrado County of Liberia, the Women farmers of the MAGARMA Farmers Group, received a high capacity rice thresher, donated by the World Food Programme (WFP) as compensation for their efforts in food security in Liberia.

The head of MAGARMA, Mrs Esther King Lincoln, says, “We see this donation of thresher and accessories by the WFP as a great relief because in the past we have gone through pains when threshing our rice with our feet. Today is a great day for us.”

WFP’s Deputy Country Director Asif Bhutto congratulated the women on their achievements and also appreciated their efforts against hunger. He went further by making promises which include the WFP’s plan in collaboration with the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Liberian NGOs that serve as Cooperating Partners of WFP to assist community-based efforts.

“I want to congratulate you today for this great achievement in your strive for food security in Liberia.” He notes

“WFP Liberia has supported over 6,000 smallholder farmers from 1,500 communities representing 12 districts in ten (10) Counties under the organization’s 2016-2017 Livelihoods Assets and Market Promotions (LAMP) programme funded by the Government of Japan.”

“This WFP LAMP programme supported community-based organizations (CBOs) to rehabilitate, develop and maintain community based productive assets (lowland swamp structures, Community-to-farm access roads and other livelihood connected activities”, Mr.Bhutto adds.