1 Die, Several Injured as Cyclone Hits Mozambique

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Early cyclone wind in Mozambique has left one person dead and several injured in Chimoio town, Manica province.

According to residents of the town, the weather involved a strong wind and a dangerous downpour of rain causing a lot of damages and destruction.

Officials of the National Meteorological Institute (INAM), have warned that the rainy cyclone season will operate with normal to above normal rainfall forecast for the central and southern zones of the country, at least up to the end of the year.

Also, strong winds of up to 70 km per hour overnight was also predicted to hit on Matutuíne, Boane, Namaacha, Marracuene, Manhiça, Matola and Maputo City; Bilene, Manjacaze, Chókwè, Guijá, Chibuto and Xai-Xai, in Gaza; as well as Zavala, Inharrime, Jangamo, Homoíne, Maxixe and Inhambane Céu.

The INGC spokesman Domingos Coane in a statement yesterday said the institution will take precautions to help manage the situation,
“…Prepares to minimize the damages that the rainy season may cause”.