DRC: President Spearheads Peace Talks for Kasai

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President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Joseph Kabila, has recently championed the quest towards achieving peace in the Kasai region of the country by presiding over a 2-day forum designed to ensure peace in the region.

The eastern Kasai region has been home to armed clashes over the last year. Militia and state forces have engaged in running battles that have led to deaths and displaced thousands.

This peace forum is aimed at providing possible solutions to the crisis that has been going on in the Kasai region of Congo.

In attendance was Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala who stated that “Peace is essential. Without peace we can not talk about development,” he said

As a member of the Human Rights Commission, the U.S. said it will support a resolution to establish a Commission of Inquiry into the ongoing human rights violations in the Kasai regions of the DRC. Kinshasa has so far fended off the overtures.