Sierra Leone: Diaspora Community Support Mudslide Victims

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The diaspora community of Sierra Leone living in Sweden, recently came together to support flood and mudslide victims housed by the charitable Organisation of Don Bosco Fambul.

According to one of the members of the Sierra Leone Union in Sweden, Mr. Bah, they are focusing on the Don Bosco Fambul house because more children and women have been housed and catered for by the organization since the mudslide incident in August.

“The donated items include sugar, mayonnaise, Pampers, oil, milk, sanitary pads, soap, sardine, amongst others, to help bolster the work of Don Bosco Fambul in their effort to care for the flood victims, especially children, and women,” Mr. Bah said.

Mr. Bah also urged Diasporans of the country to support their nation, by giving back to them especially in this period when external help is indeed valuable.