U.S Senate Appoints Wray as New Director of FBI

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The U.S after a vote on Tuesday has confirmed Christopher Wray as the new head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation replacing James Comey, whom President Donald Trump fired.

Christopher Wray, 50, was a federal prosecutor in private practice and has bagged a law degree from Yale University. He was an assistant attorney general during President George W. Bush’s adminstration and has considerable experience in national security cases.

Wray’s selection as one of the candidates for this position instigated a controversy since the 2016 presidential campaign.

“This is a tough time to take on a tough job,” Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota said during the debate over Wray’s nomination. “The previous FBI detector, as we know, was fired because of the Russian investigation” into its meddling in the presidential campaign.

At Wray’s confirmation hearing last month, he said that there was only “one right way” to do the job — “with strict independence, by the book, playing it straight, faithful to our laws, and faithful to the best practices of the institution.”