UK Government to Focus on Nigeria in New Family Planning Initiative

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Policymakers and donors from Asia, Africa, and the United Kingdom have pledged a sum of $2.5 billion to fund family planning service in all developing countries. The pledge was made in a UK family planning summit tagged “family planning 2017”.

The Summit which was organized by the UK in partnership with the UNFPA and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, brought together people from different parts of the world to discuss solutions to the limitations of family planning services in developing countries and ways to improve family planning policy in some countries.

According to The Unite Kingdom International Development Secretary, Priti Patel, “The UK will support more women who have no choice of contraceptives. We will support the roll out and scale of the first new self-injectables contraceptive- Sayana Press to be available for more women in countries around the world. We will also through the World Bank encourage governments in developing countries to fund their own family planning systems which will allow women who cannot afford the contraceptives get it free of charge, and Nigeria will be a beneficiary,” she said.

The government of UK through their support will ensure that the family planning continues all over the world until 2022. And also the UK government will see to it that Nigerian women have access to free family planning.

In the same vein, Nigeria’s Minister of Health, Isaac Adewole declared that the federal government of Nigeria will be committed to promoting the family planning initiative in Nigeria.

The federal government has also signed a MoU with UNFPA on that account to support the initiative financially and with many other developments.