Rwanda: Kagame Nominated for 2017 Presidential Election

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President Paul Kagame has been nominated to run for the  August 3, 2017, presidential election by the Ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF).

Kagame got a total of 1,929 successful votes of the 1,930 cast.

In his acceptance speech, he told his party members that this will be the last time he will run for an election. He also encouraged the youths to be involved in politics but to do so with caution.

“There’s a caveat here. It is not just being president. It’s not just having a right to be president. Rwanda wants and needs the right president,” he said.

“It’s my request that we do things either differently or better or work harder so that the seven years coming give us some kind of transition,” he added.

Several dignitaries from other countries including China, Ethiopia, South Africa and Uganda attended the nomination.

Uganda’s ruling party, the National Resistance Movement (NRM)’s Secretary-General, Ms. Justine Kasule Lumumba, who represented President Yoweri Museveni, conveyed a message of support to President Kagame.

“The leadership and the Rwandese people have walked the talk. Stood shoulder to shoulder to overcome the initial challenges in the country to be able to stop the genocide and thereafter infusing reconciliation…..” she told the RPF delegates in Kigali.