UN Women Organise Capacity Building Training in Liberia

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The Liberia national rural women structure and the UN women assembled women from the fifteen political-sub divisions at the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) in Congo Town for a three-day capacity building training on leadership.

The program was aimed at enlightening women on the essence and benefits of female leadership in Liberia.

The Liberia National Rural Women Structure since its inception in 2008 has been a rare platform where Liberian women draw insights for Good moral conduct, good communication skills and leadership ideas from President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

As the country prepares for her forthcoming election, the women are advised and taught to make right decisions in choosing their leaders.

The National Chairlady of the Liberia National Rural Women Structure, Madam Kebeh Monger, who gave the opening address, told her fellow women that “If all of us hold together, we can do great things. The small, small talking will divide us,”

Relating to the election she said, “But as we move in front, we got to put the people under the microscope; because it is for our good and our children’s good.”

“If we put the wrong person there we will suffer it, if we put the right person there it will get better. I am not talking politics ooh; I am talking the things that hurt us as women.”

“Our children depending on us, without us, our children will be left behind”.

Mrs. kebeh and Moses Kelleh the Program Associate of UN Women thanked the women for making it to this year’s Liberia National Rural Women Structure program and they also praised their consistency since 2008.