South Africa: ANC Champions Fight against Gender-based Violence

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By: Miracle Nwankwo

The uncontrollable upsurge of gender violence has attracted the African National congress into promoting collective war against femicide. The ANC has bellowed to communities to increase its rate of fight against rape and girl-child molestation that has been trending recently.

Gender-based violence which has a physical, psychological, socio-cultural, economic, and sexual damage on women is a conspicuous and widespread violation of human rights in South Africa.

This violence has penetrated the political, economic and social structures of society which is led by a patriarchal attitude that sprung from gender inequality, class, and racism.

A UN human rights expert has advised the Government to enhance its fight against gender-based violence with awareness and education at all levels of society.

The ANC in collaboration with the government has therefore decided to champion the implementation of measures to end the violence and restore security to the girl-child and women in South Africa by creating an ANC-led government programme for victims, expose perpetrators, and also to establishment of a special unit in each police station specially trained for this type of work. This, the party says will ensure a reduction of barriers hindering the reporting of sexual offences and domestic violence.