Africa Will Continue To Grow as a Tourist Destination: ABO Capital CEO

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Mr Zandere Campos, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ABO Capital, an international investment firm headquartered in Angola, in this exclusive interview with Eruke Ojuederie of the African Leadership Magazine, discusses his some of the investment opportunities in Africa. Excerpt:

Kindly tell us about your background. How was growing up for you?

I had the amazing opportunity to travel and experience many different cultures during my childhood and adolescence. Being able to travel since i was young, allowed me to experience other cultures, and get to know other realities, including Cuba, US and Portugal.

Did your childhood experiences influence your approach to life?

Yes, I quickly learned the importance of international partnership and found myself admiring what was available in other parts of the world and how it could benefit my home of Angola.

What were some of the motivating factors you held on to on your way to the top?

The possibility of helping others and the Community was a very important factor. Being able to go beyond my local area and contribute to a larger audience in Africa gives me the strength to keep doing my best every single day.

Where are some of the steps you took that helped to groom you for leadership position?

I have the confidence to go beyond the status quo. Learn from your failures, accept responsibility, but never give up. I develop people to their full potential, caring for them and their needs. By developing the next generation of leaders you are guaranteeing your success. Be trustworthy and authentic. Stick to your values and make sure that your actions reflect them

Tell us about your attraction to the Tourism industry and how successful your investments in the tourism sector have been?

I believe Africa will continue to grow as a tourist destination. Specifically Angola, the seventh largest country in Africa, has more than 1,000 miles of beautiful beach coastline, plenty for sunbathers, swimmers and water sports enthusiasts. We currently are the lead investor in a hospitality management company, Bluoshen. Currently the group owns and operates five hotels in Luanda and two in Benguela.

How best do you think African youths can maximize scarce opportunities and resources?

africa’s young people, same as those the world over, are influenced and inspired by music, social media and new technology. Young people have the opportunity to develop and diversify their countries. Africa’s youth are the future of innovation in agriculture, tourism, healthcare, transportation and technology. African youth, especially Angolans, have very strong entrepreneurial spirits enabling them to face any challenge that comes their way.

In your opinion, what are some of the ways by which good leadership in Africa can be ensured?

Definitely by empowering and investing in the youth population. Investment in education is key to guarantee opportunities for our younger generations. On the other hand, effective programs that recognize the opportunity and need for economic diversification should be place as a top priority to guarantee Africa’s position in the global business market.