2nd West African Peace, Security & Development Conference 2014

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West African Peace, Security & Development Conference 2014

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Peace, Security & Youth Empowerment In Curbing the Menace of Insurgency, Oil Theft and other Economic sabotages
THEMATIC FOCUS OF EVENT The Mutual Interests of member state within the sub-region is to achieve Peace, Security

and overall development of their various societies, which is highly indicated as the

thematic focus of this conference.


TYPE OF EVENT  A multi-lateral Public Governance Methodological Review, Evaluation and Re – positioning Conference


EVENT OVERVIEW The Conference is aimed at addressing burning issues affecting the peace and development of the West African sub-region such as Insurgency and Terrorism, Oil theft, Political violence, youth unemployment and engagement. To create enabling environment for sharing ideas, innovative schemes and strategies that can ease or contain the escalation of terrorist acts, piracy, oil theft and other security breaches in the ECOWAS Sub-region.
  • Terrorism and insurgency
  • Oil Theft
  • Kidnapping & Armed Robbery
  • Political violence
  • Religious /Cultural Intolerance
  • Youth engagement and Empowerment
  • Boarder Insecurity
  • Other Insecurities
  • To ethically review the state of security across the West African sub -region outlining the possible and the more likely causes of growing insecurity and civil unrests characterizing the past decade or more.


  • To examine the various technical positions of Governments within the West African sub – region that more likely fuel under-development


  • To articulate a technical position on the essential trends in the growing radicalization of local youth populations or of the common populace along the lines of religion and politics with a view to understanding the early detection signs and the best ways of mitigating them.


  • To examine the more pertinent roles of Non – Governmental as well as local and foreign development partnership segments in the totality of the conferences mandate or objectives


  • To review the effects of suspended development occasioned by rampant breaches of the peace across the West African sub – region and to determine the best approaches of educating local national governments on global best practices in the handling of unrests


  • To resolve a more efficient regional refugee and displaced persons assistance regime by which internally and externally displaced persons may be better secured and supported, rehabilitated and returned to their localities of original settlement more predictably


  • To evaluate the looming threats of corruption and crass politics in the West African Region which militates against people friendly reforms,  education, employment, health care & housing to mention a few.


  • The diminishing level of local nationalism across West Africa region owing to the steadily decline of local economies occasioned by maladministration and corruption at the center.
  • To access the gains of constitution provision, proper funding and strengthening  of traditional authorities to combating Youth Radicalization and Containment Measure of Insurgency and Terrorist  Acts in  their localities
MEMBER STATE Nigeria, Benin, Cabo Verde, Cote d’voire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea B., Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Sierra leone, Togo
SPONSORSHIP /PARTNERSHIP Sponsorship /Partnership Opportunities: The Conference is specifically designed to promote collaboration and provide opportunities to share ideas. There are combinations of formal and informal activities that facilitate networking and exchanges among participants. The scale of the Conference allows government professionals to participate in highly interactive conversations, to network directly with the Stake-holders to establish new and long lasting framework and peer-to-peer contacts. By pledging to become a Sponsor/Partner, your will be elevated as a company that helped make the event possible.


A number of different level sponsorship options are available. We also are offer a number of sponsorship packages to fit various needs and budgets. While the packages listed below offer a wide range of benefits, we can tailor benefits to meet your specific promotional priorities.


ANTICIPATED PARTICIPANT & AWARDEES Participation is open to professionals responsible for developing, influencing and managing Security and development within the West African region:

  • Public Governance Sectors and Systems:

I.            Heads of Governments, Ministers of Defense, National Security, Police Affairs and such similar directly implied positions

II.            Appointed or elected Senior Advisers of political leaders, Legislators and local Chiefs of Security within States or Provincial Governments

III.            Senior Technical or Clerical Staff of various State Judiciary across the West African sub-region

  • Non – Governmental Sectors:

I.            Heads of relevant Civil Society Organizations with interests in Refugee Management and similar humanitarian situations,

II.            Heads of Emergency Public emergency Rescue Institutions and healthcare facilities or institutions

III.            Internal and external donor institutions and organizations as well as development sector partner entities

  • The Organized Private Sectors

I.            Representatives of national manufacturers, commercial, markets and/or other similarly indicated organizations

II.            Representatives of Socio – Economic sectors like nationalities conferences and socio – political pressure groups

TARGET IMPACT SEGMENTS This conference is envisaged to positively affect the following aspects of the West African

sub – regional communities:

  • The administration of grassroots communities to make them more security conscious providing local community leaders with the skills to detect the earliest stages of contemporary radicalization of local segments of the population and the best ways of reporting and bringing superior mitigating assistance to their local communities safely and securely
  • Local Judges and law enforcement to equip them with the skills of detecting a trend of progressively increasing radicalization as may be observed from cases reported or unreported.
  • Local and national Legislators  – to prepare their minds on the modalities of scientific legislation that anticipates dissent among vulnerable segments of the population and the ways to steer governance to mitigate situations that likely degenerate into unrests and insecurities
  • The Mass Media; to encourage local media producers and programmers to achieve the best and most applicable audience participation media through which the public may more readily provide relevant authorities with information on local developments that nurture terrorism or other forms of unrests.
  • The overall or specific Education Curricula on aspects relating to Peace Building Studies, Conflict Resolution and Conflict Mediation, etc.
  • The Political Class: for more germane nationalistic politicking achieved on the basis of more relevant ideological propositioning and constructive engagement of opponents and to entrench a more beneficial basis of involving youth segments in electoral politicking rather than for engineering fear and conflicts that seek to confound opponents leading thereby to unrests and insecurities



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