Kenya: Gender Equality Commission Threatens Houses of Parliament

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The gender equality commission in Kenya has recently warned that both Houses of Parliament will be declared unconstitutional if the two-third gender rule is not implemented.

National Gender Equality Commission Chairperson Winfred Lichuma said since the MPs failed to pass a Bill, time has come for the National Assembly to provide an alternative way to achieve the rule.

“I gave Parliament one month to get its act together. Now my leave is over and we need to get this rule going,” she said.

She warned if Parliament does not pass the Bill to allow the constitutional rule, members who will win 2017 poll will not take office.

“It will be really sad for the MPs and senators to work hard in the campaigns, go for elections and then have the court declare the Houses unconstitutional,” Ms Lichuma said at a meeting in Nairobi.

Leaders who attended the meeting include Vision 2030 Secretariat Director General Prof Gituro Wainaina, Gender Affairs Principal Secretary Zeinab Hussein and nominated Senator Judith Sijeny.

In May, the Bill, seeking to change the Constitution and implement the gender principle, failed to get the required support of 233 MPs to pass the second reading


Source: Daily nation


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