Chief Analytics Officer Forum Africa 2016

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Event name: Chief Analytics Officer Forum Africa 2016

Date: September 26th to 29th September 2016

Location: Johannesburg, South Africa



Organizations are gradually waking  to the potential that lies within their data. If analyzed correctly then an enormous amount of insight can be derived to understand its  internal and external corporate stakeholders.

The Chief Analytics Officer (CAO) Forum Africa has been designed to bring the senior analytics community together to discuss the most critical data and analytics challenges for areas  including finance, human resources, sales and marketing, the supply chain, risk, investment and most importantly, the customer.

Research conducted by Corinium Global Intelligence shows that South African organizations are beginning to realize the value that lies within their data but face numerous challenges to realizing this value as they are not yet mature enough in their data & analytics journey to move to a CAO structure.

What does analytics mean to your organization and how can you harness its power to improve and modernize process, performance and profitability?

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