Tunisia’s President Urges New Unity Gov’t to Tackle Challenges

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Governance & Policy2

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi has rcently called for negotiations among political parties, unions and independents to form a new unity government to help advance economic reforms.

Essebsi’s call came as Tunisia’s current ruling coalition is struggling to create more growth and jobs after a series of militant attacks battered the North African state’s tourism industry and economy.

Any negotiations to form a new government will need the current cabinet to resign and a parliament approval. But it would also take time to find consensus among secular, Islamist and left-wing parties and the powerful UGTT unions who have resisted some of the government austerity programmes.

Tunisia has emerged as a political model for democratic change since its 2011 uprising against Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, but economic reforms demanded by its lenders to tackle high unemployment and frustration among its young have lagged behind.

Source: Reuters


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