Insurgence: Diaspora Nigerians Seek Investigation of Borno Leaders’

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Nigerians in Diaspora Monitoring Group (NDMG) have recently called on the federal government to begin investigations on the role played by some political leaders in Borno state since the Boko Haram insurgency started.

The United Kingdom (UK) Coordinator of the group, Engr. Adeka Onyilo, made the call in a statement where he stressed that the Presidency can no longer shy away from ordering a special investigation into what is truly going on in that state.

This is more so, he said, when other states where the insurgency spread to are now on their way to recovery while Borno state continues to relapse.

He stated that the circumstances around the two rescued Chibok girls, information reportedly supplied by other freed Boko Haram abductees, as well as reported confessions of captured fighters of the terror group have confirmed earlier held beliefs that the insurgency has the blessing of highly placed persons in Borno state.

Onyilo said “Our recommendation at this point is for the federal government to set up a Board of Inquiry into the roles being played by all those that present themselves as the leaders of that state. Events in Borno have shown that Boko Haram terrorists thrive on more than the support of urchins and unemployed youths”.

“The insurgents have proven that the support they enjoy in the area is at an organisational level and possibly with state dimension. The Federal Government can therefore not make headway in the place if those that pretend to support it in the anti-terror fight are actually undermining its efforts by deliberately creating situations that allow the crisis to persist.”


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