4th International Conference on Defence, Homeland and Border Security in Africa-London, UK

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The 4TH  International Conference on Defence, Homeland and Border Security in Africa-London, United Kingdom with the theme “Rethinking Africa’s Security and Counterterrorism Strategies“ presents a platform for new approaches and a pooling of ideas to re-shape a more comprehensive and conclusive front in the Africa’s security space.

While the need to sustain the fight against terrorism is justifiably compelling, it has become increasingly imperative for Africa to reinvent its counterterrorism strategies in the phase of growing sophistication in terror campaigns and global insecurity.

There is no gainsaying that terrorism is fast gaining fertile ground to flourish in Africa with Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia, Algeria, Central Africa, Mali, Cameroun, Chad, Niger, Libya and Tunisia as theatres of some of the bloodiest terrorist actions that the African continent has ever seen, while most other African Nations are busy grappling with other degrees of violent crimes, civil unrest and border attacks.

This rethink has been inspired with the view to ensuring defensible, secure and terror-free nations across the continent of Africa.

Highlights of the conference shall include;

  • Paper Presentations/Training and Simulations
  • Panel Discussions and Case Studies
  • Special Congressional Commendations/Award Presentations
  • Study tours, Working visits, Security/Policy briefing by the UK House of Lords

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