Zimbabwe Govt. Set to Visit Nationals in Diaspora

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zim finance ministerdgZimbabwe Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa

As part of efforts to encourage diaspora support in various investment initiatives in Zimbabwe, the government has recently set plans to visit Zimbabwean nationals based in different parts of the world.

Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa stated this in parliament this past week while briefing the house on the envisaged National Diaspora Policy.

The policy is being sponsored by the Ministry of Macro-Economic Planning and Investment Promotion in collaboration with the International Organisation for Migration which has expertise in the exercise.

“I am informed that the Ministry has concluded drafting the policy and has in January 2016, submitted it to Cabinet for approval through the appropriate channels,” Chinamasa said.

“Once approved, structures will be put in place to engage the diasporians in a more formal manner to enhance their participation in the national development process through remittances, direct investment, philanthropy and skills transfer. As part of the process of cementing the engagement process, Government through the said Ministry, will undertake engagement workshops in South Africa and UK. This will be followed by similar workshops in the US, Australia and New Zealand where we have concentration of our nationals.”

The envisaged diaspora engagement policy was mooted some few months ago as part of government’s efforts to mop up funds from an estimated 3 million strong diaspora population and make them play a part in national development.

In 2014, diaspora remittances were estimated to be $1,8 billion also amounting to 15 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product.

The policy will also state how government intended to protect its nationals based abroad.

Government feels disapora resources can be used to leverage increased trade, investment, technology, skills and cultural linkages between different countries.



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