U.S. Gives Zambia $3.8 Million for Elections

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As part of efforts to boost democratic governance in Africa, the U.S. Government has given Zambia through the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) US$3.8 million towards the holding of credible elections on August 11.

U.S. Ambassador to Zambia Eric Schultz says this substantial contribution is aimed at ensuring the voice of the electorate is heard.

Schultz says a portion of this contribution will go towards preparations for the referendum which will be held alongside the general election.

And Schultz has encouraged political players to start implementing resolutions of last week’s Indaba in order for the country to hold peaceful and credible elections.

He says the Indaba was a great initiative which all political players must appreciate by implementing what was resolved.

And visiting U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of African Affairs Todd Haskell says the U.S. Government is expecting Zambia to hold peaceful elections free from any negative forms such as violence.

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