U.N Chief Lauds Ethiopian Government in Mitigating Drought

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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has recently praised efforts of the Ethiopian government in mitigating the Eli Nino induced drought.
After a visit to some drought affected areas in Oromia Regional State yesterday, Ban said the efforts of the government in mitigating the impacts of El Nino is exemplary to other countries.
During his visit in Arsi Zone, Ban witnessed activities being undertaken by the government to supply food and water assistance as well as health service.
He said that the Ethiopian government is doing a good job to manage the drought that affected millions of people.
Ban affirmed that the UN will continue to coordinate the international community so as to extend the necessary support.
Ethiopia is battling one of the worst droughts in decades, which left about 10.2 million people food insecure.
The government and aid agencies are seek additional financial support, but only a third of the 1.4 billion USD needed for emergency food assistance in the country has been raised.

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