Beninese Leading Opposition Endorses PM Zinzou for Presidential Election

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Benin Republic’s Prime Minister Lionel Zinsou’s bid for presidency has recently received a boost when the leading opposition party endorsed him as their preferred candidate in the Feb. 28 election.
In a ceremony on Saturday declaring their support, leaders of the PRD party described PM Zinsou, who is the incumbent president’s favourite, as the “consensus candidate” that would bring prosperity to the tiny West African country whose economy has been hit by a slowdown in neighbouring Nigeria.
“With him, Benin can begin to develop,” said Adrien Houngbédji, president of the PRD party.
Zinsou said in December that he was running as the main candidate for the ruling FCBE party, dispelling fears that President Boni Yayi would defy constitutional term limits and seek a third term. He remains that party’s candidate.
Yayi has led the cotton-producing country since 2006. He is barred under the country’s constitution from standing for a third term.
“This is great support,” said Zinsou, who has said he will focus his presidency on supporting the poorest and most vulnerable, bringing more workers into the formal economy and establish banking systems for agriculture.
“Together we will face great challenges.”
However, earlier this month a group of dissidents from the ruling party, opposition politicians and trade union leaders said Zinsou was a bad choice, in part because he has spent a large portion of his life in France, far away from the realities of Benin life.
He will face competition from a number of candidates, including Sebestien Ajavon, a prominent Benin businessman who announced his candidacy earlier this month, calling for a reduction in youth unemployment, improved access to energy and less corruption.

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