Kenya: Leaders Launch New Campaign for Election of More Women

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Leaders from various groups in Embu county, Kenya have started a campaign to push for the election of more women to end the reliance on nominations in a move aimed at achieving gender parity in a political scene that is currently male-dominated.
Currently, there is no single woman elected as either governor or senator in Kenya.
The religious, youth, women, political and community leaders said there was a need to push for the election of more women to bridge the gap between men and women in leadership and consequently spur growth.
Led by Bishop Njeru Nyaga, a National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) official, the leaders said there was a need to tap women’s numerical strength to propel them into leadership.
Speaking during an Embu women leadership conference at Royal Mini Inn, Bishop Nyaga said women face various obstacles, such as physical and emotional violence and lack of funds, which prevent them from assuming leadership posts
He promised that the church would be at the forefront in pushing for increased women participation in politics, saying majority of women had proved to be good leaders who did not engage in corruption.
“We will approach women of good character to seek leadership positions. We will speak about corruption to ensure those elected don’t engage in the vice,” said Rev Nyaga.
Embu Woman Representative Rose Mitaru said there was an orchestrated campaign against women leaders in a bid to discredit them.
She said county women reps were constantly targeted for bullying by those representing constituencies in a bid to portray them as non-performers.
Ms Mitaru cited the channeling of Uwezo fund which was created to give women representatives something to work with through constituencies, was not properly done saying many MPs did not invite them during fund functions.
The Ngome council of elders chairman, Eston Ireri, said they would ensure women are not stigmatised by prohibitive cultural demands while seeking elective posts

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