US Presidential Hopeful Escapes Ban From Britain

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British lawmakers has recently debated a petition to ban U.S. Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump from Britain over his xenophobic remarks on Muslims, but while describing his comments as “crazy” and “offensive”, most said the ban would go against free speech.
Members of parliament said Trump should be allowed into Britain where his views could be challenged, that a ban would give him more publicity or that it was not for Britain to get involved in U.S. affairs.
Trump caused outrage last month with his comments that Muslims should be banned from entering the United States. He spoke after 14 people died in a shooting spree in California by two Muslims whom the FBI said had been radicalized.
His comments prompted more than half a million Britons to sign a petition calling for him to be barred from entering the country, where he has business interests.
The three-hour debate saw lawmakers from all sides criticize Trump’s comments. While it was not followed by a vote, many more lawmakers spoke against a ban than for it.
“I want to see Donald Trump come to this country … I want him to get a sense of the fury and the frustration with his xenophobic remarks,” said Gavin Robinson, a lawmaker from Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party.
Only interior minister Theresa May can issue an order banning entry into Britain and Prime Minister David Cameron has said while Trump’s comments were “divisive, unhelpful and wrong”, he does not back the idea of barring him.
Immigration Minister James Brokenshire said the government did not comment on who it was considering for exclusion but said “a frank and open exchange of views” was the most effective way to influence Trump.
“The U.S. remains our most important bilateral partner. It is in the UK’s interests that we engage all presidential candidates, Democratic and Republican, even though we may disagree profoundly on important issues,” he said.
Trump has threatened to cancel over 700 million pounds ($1 billion) of planned investments in golf courses in Scotland if he is banned.
Trump International Golf Links in Scotland said in a statement: “It is absurd that valuable parliamentary time is being wasted debating a matter raised as part of the American presidential election.”

Comment 1
  • Michael Shokunbi

    Beats my imagination that, advanced democracy with tenets of freedom and free speech would dare embark on futile venture of even discussing an individual for expression of personal view, it is absolute waste of tax payers money that bellies insufficient need and want of real serious parliament business, simply put, the legislators in UK, are just damn idle with nothing to show for their time in the house

    Trump is one individual who chose to advance his views on the menace pillaging humanity and civilization based on his country’s security submission to hopeless helplessness in battle against ilsamic fundamentalists and chronic fanatics, who have taken the world by the storm

    The head of FBI had indicated his frustrations at vetting refugees entering the US to cause mayhem, said he cannot guarantee the safety of Americans from the influx of refugees from the troubled muslim states, a self inflicted miseries which drove them away from their natural abode and Trump countered, that, until the security agencies can figure out how to secure his homeland from the evil guests, muslims should be banned from entering the US


    A purely personal opinion freely expressed for the love of his country. If Trump had made spurious reckless preposterous statements all the while, THIS HE GOT RIGHT, based on fact, his own solution to a problem

    The entire world decided to go berserk and most disappointingly, self declared bastion of freedom and fundamental civil rights advocate, meanwhile no ilsamic or muslim nation ever spoke against or decried Trump for his views, a case of crying more than the bereaved and to worsen the matter, house of parliament of centenary civilization decided to waste ample vital time over mundane issue, very embarrassingly disappointing

    The people of United Kingdom should look for a job for the house of parliament, they are not busy


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