Nigeria Democracy & Development Forum & Awards 2015

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African Leadership magazine presents the Nigeria Democracy & Development Forum & Awards 2015, billed to hold on March 17, 2016 at the Rockview Hotel (Royal) Abuja, Nigeria.

Nigeria having witnessed a peaceful transition, despite the various political permutations and socio-economic challenges and yet maintaining its lead in Sub-Saharan Africa; African Leadership Magazine is putting together the event to contribute to the much needed discussion on Nigeria’s leadership on the continent and how to leapfrog its progress, while also honouring deserving leaders who have contributed to the growth of the country’s nascent democracy and socio-economic development.

Some expected guests at this event include The Honourable Dee Dawkins-Haigler; & Senator G. Butler, Chairperson and Vice Chair of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus of the Georgia General Assembly. USA, among other notable members of the business and political class. 

For Registration inquiries, sponsorship and speaking opportunities and any other inquiry please send a mail to or or call: +2347031640048, +2349029903000

Comments 3
  • Dennis Brown James

    I joined your team discussing this program slated to hold on the 17th March when it was about to round up on HotFM with Amaka. I heard from one of the men saying that the event is going to take place at Rockview Royal. But what I am seeing here is stating the event to hold at Sheraton hotel. Please, could you reconcile this information so that I and many others who would like to attend will know exactly where to attend it. Like I said from the beginning, I joined the program on radio very late. I do not know in detail what it is all about. Though, I know it is meant for youths predominantly. Thank you.

  • Dennis Brown James

    This must be a noble course these young minds have undertook on their shoulders. I will be glad to be a party to this great party and contribute my quota to ensuring it works without any condition. More power to your elbow.

  • Dennis Brown James

    Thank you so much for the reply to my email. I am on the countdown to being a part of the success of the event on the 17th of March at Rockview Hotel Royal, Abuja.


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