Guinea: PM Appoints Women To Key Ministerial Positions In New Cabinet

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As part of efforts to kick-start an economic recovery and improve the lives of young people, the new Prime Minister of Guinea, Mamady Youla has recently formed his new cabinet, handing key positions to women.
The 31-strong cabinet now has seven women who have taken key ministerial dockets of finance, foreign affairs and mining.
Among the fresh faces in Prime Minister Mamady Youla’s cabinet are 44-year-old Malado Kaba, the new minister of economy and finance who has “spent most of her professional career at the European Commission in the field of development”, a presidential statement said
Joining her are newly-named foreign minister Makale Camara, a former minister of agriculture, and Abdoulaye Magassouba, who will take the strategically-important position of minister of mines and geology.
Kanny Dialo, an economist, is the new Minister of Planning and International Cooperation.
Prime Minister Youla himself has worked for private sector firms, the government, as well as the country’s central bank. His appointment was welcomed by Guinea’s main opposition leader, Cellou Dalein Diallo, who has said he is a “brilliant chap who is very competent, especially in economics”.
In November, Guinea’s constitutional court formally confirmed President Alpha Condé‘s re-election last September, dismissing opposition claims of vote rigging and fraud.

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