The beauty of celebrating women on a special day

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EU ambassador to Kenya Henriette Gieger Joins Kenyan Women In Celebrating International Women’s Day In Nairobi

EU ambassador to Kenya Henriette Gieger Joins Kenyan Women In Celebrating International Women’s Day In Nairobi.

EU ambassador to Kenya Henriette Gieger Joins Kenyan Women In Celebrating International Women’s Day In Nairobi.

International Women’s Day is honoured in many countries around the world. It is a day to recognize and honour women’s achievements irrespective of ethnocultural, literary, historical, economic, or political spheres.

Worldwide Women’s Day has acquired an additional worldwide network for women in advanced and developing nations since its inception.

The growing global women’s movement has contributed to the commemoration serving as a rallying point for equal liberation and political and economic participation, with four international United Nations women’s conferences assisting.

Here are seven reasons why this day is valuable.

Annually, a different theme is investigated.

There are numerous issues concerning women’s rights and gender equality, so each International Women’s Day (IWD) naturally focuses on a specific theme. The theme for 2022 was “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.” It concentrated on gender equality in the context of disaster risk reduction and climate change. These issues affect everyone, but women are more vulnerable because they comprise a significant proportion of the world’s poorest communities. The focus of each IWD on a specific theme raises awareness of issues such as climate change.

It’s an opportunity to recognize women’s achievements.

History is brimming with significant events that have made the world better. Women have always played critical roles in movements for voting rights, civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, labour rights, children’s rights, and various other issues. They’ve also significantly contributed to medicine, science, literature, and politics. International Women’s Day is a brilliant opportunity to celebrate these accomplishments.

The day emphasizes the work that still needs to be done.

Whereas International Women’s Day recognizes how far women’s rights and gender equality have progressed, it is also essential to acknowledge what remains to be done. According to the United Nations, women comprise 70% of the world’s 1.3 billion poor people. In addition, 80% of those displaced by natural disasters are women and girls. The pandemic exacerbated the situation for women and girls. According to findings published in The Lancet, women suffered worse social and economic consequences than men. It will take a concerted effort to undo the damage.

It’s an opportunity to raise revenue for women’s rights.

When International Women’s Day arrives, it’s a great time to donate to well-known organizations that promote gender equality and women’s rights. There are numerous international organizations to choose from, including The Center for Reproductive Rights, Amnesty International, Save the Children, and Global Grassroots. In addition, many local organizations and activists plan unique International Women’s Day campaigns, so check with your community if you want to donate or promote a fundraising event.

The day brings people from all over the world together.

International Women’s Day, as the name implies, is about women from all over the world. IWD is a global celebration of activists, raising awareness of their work and challenges. It’s also an excellent opportunity to network and connect with others passionate about gender equality. Social media has made international connections much easier than in the past. IWD connections can lead to long-term collaboration, friendships, and financial support.

It’s a chance to reflect on your own life.

Because our world has a long history of discrimination against women (with intersecting implications), anyone can have biases, whether they are aware of them or not. International Women’s Day allows you to reflect on your beliefs and develop a personal action plan. First, consider areas where you may be uneducated or have biases based on gender, sexuality, race, etc. Then, commit to becoming more conscious of your actions and educating yourself through books, classes, and other resources.

International Women’s Day is a rallying point.

IWD is significant because it serves as a rallying cry. Some may use it to promote a rosy view of the world, but it is a necessary reminder that progress does not happen by chance. The world’s accomplishments and successes took time, but they demonstrate what is possible. As a rallying point , International Women’s Day encourages us to reflect back and see how far we’ve come and to keep fighting for more.

The Origins of International Women’s Day

The first recorded Women’s Day celebration, dubbed “National Woman’s Day,” happened on February 28, 1909, in New York City.

There have been claims that the day commemorates a march by women garment workers in New York on March 8, 1857; researchers claim this myth is designed to detach International Women’s Day from its socialist origins.

An International Socialist Women’s Conference was organized in August 1910, ahead of the Socialist Second International’s general meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. According to the ILO, the fire witnessed at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York City on March 25, 1911, did away with 146 young workers.

Because of this, the majority of them, who were immigrants, made an excellent record for the present-day celebration of International Women’s Day.

German delegates Clara Zetkin, Käte Duncker, Paula Thiede, and others proposed establishing an annual “Women’s Day,” though no date was specified.

The idea was supported by 100 delegates from 17 countries as a strategy to promote equal rights, including women’s suffrage.

The previous year, on March 19, 1911, many people from states such as Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland observed the first International Women’s Day.

There were 300 demonstrations in Austria-Hungary alone, with women parading down Vienna’s Ringstrasse carrying banners honouring the Paris Commune martyrs. Otherwise, in states such as Europe, women interrogated the right to practice their excise duty of voting and hold public office, and they protested sex discrimination in the workplace.

IWD had no set date but was generally observed in late February or early March. Americans celebrated “National Women’s Day” on the last Sunday of February, while Russia celebrated International Women’s Day for the first time in 1913 on the last Saturday of February (albeit based on the Julian calendar, as in the Gregorian calendar, the date was March 8).

International Women’s Day was observed for the first time in Germany on March 8, 1914, possibly because the date was a Sunday. As in other countries, Germany’s commemoration was dedicated to women’s right to vote, which German women did not obtain until 1918.

Contemporaneously, a march in support of women’s suffrage took place in London, during which Sylvia Pankhurst was arrested in front of Charing Cross station on her way to speak in Trafalgar Square.

The theme for International Women’s Day in 2023



According to the United Nations, the theme for this year’s Women’s Day is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality,” It aims to highlight the importance of technology in bringing gender issues to light.

In her 2023 note for International Women’s Day, the EU ambassador to Kenya, H.E Henriette Geiger, said, “Today is an important occasion to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women across the world. The time for us all to join together to achieve gender equality is now.”

In this regard, she hosted a walking lunch at her official residence in Nairobi. Over 20 ambassadors including many European Union Member states ambassadors gathered to hear Kenya’s young female leaders’ call to action and pleas.


From groundbreaking resolutions to awe-inspiring speeches to young politicians inspiring change offline and online, here are some of the messages from Kenya’s young female leaders.


This day is significant because I travelled from Garissa.I arrived in Nairobi in 2016 to begin my university studies. I immersed myself in advocacy because I was passionate about community programs and began to be active in this space.

But then, when I started being active in this space, activists, partners, development partners, and women like me thought I had something to offer. And, until now, every contribution and step I’ve taken has been made possible by the love of women who believed in me. So, currently serving in this capacity, I want to create a space for younger women and the youth to contribute because everyone has something to offer.

Winnie Odinga Member Of Parliament East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA)

It is a momentous day for us to be present here today. My primary role in Nairobi is that of a communicator.

I work in communication for political, social, and corporate organizations. I am focusing primarily on data driven strategic communications. I have moved that to the legislature, where I am attempting to collect data to help inform and improve agricultural throughout East Africa.

When we consider where our world will be in 15 years, it is estimated that by 2050, 25% of jobs will be in technology, and we need to prepare our youth for the future. As a result, we must work hard and collaboratively to increase digital literacy among women, children, and everyone else by involving them in more technologically focused activities such as coding and some STEM programs.

Hussein Sadia FGM survivor and Women’s Rights advocate.

Hussein, Sadia FGM survivor and Women’s Rights advocate.

“So I’d like to inform you that over 4 million girls and women in Kenya alive Today are living with the scars of FGM.

And I want to remind you that we have been fighting FGM from various angles.

I request that we hold FGM conference limited to survivors only, where we will have a 5-day FGM conference with representatives from all 22 hotspot counties.

So, we give them a safe space to share their personal experiences and this will be a healing process for the first two days. If 200 survivors commit to saving only one daughter, we are assured of saving 200 girls instantly!

The last day is about documenting their voices for positive change.

FGM is not stand-alone, we’re not talking about it in isolation; it’s a direct ticket to child marriage, which increased teenage pregnancy rates, and girls are defiled in their child marriages.

Due to the ongoing drought, pastoralists lost their livestock which led to some of the girls being married off as a restocking mechanism through dowry. So I implore you all to join hands and provide a haven for these survivors, after all, it’s the daughters of these survivors who are at risk of being cut. No other girl should join FGM statistics, it ends with us”

Charlene Ruto

Charlene Ruto _ Upcoming young politician and Daughter to the 5th President Kenya.

The young people are brilliant, smart and so creative. As a voice and platform for young people, I work to megaphone their ideas and initiatives, especially on areas affecting our young women such as FGM and Menstrual health. To me, that is real women empowerment.