Fonati Koffa of Liberia Gets United Nations Commendation

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The west African country, Liberia is getting commendations from the right places in the world because of the beautiful gender initiatives of the Deputy Speaker of the House of the Representatives, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa. The gentleman recently embarked on a crusade not only to empower and defend the rights of the women in his country but also to get them to power where they can effectively participate in the decision making process on matters that affects them and the rest of the country. Mr. Koffa seems to be working with the dictum that says “ He that empowers a man empowers an individual but he that empowers a woman empowers the community”. Hence the commendations coming from The Regional United Nations Women Ambassador for Africa, Madam Jaha Dukureh.

The UN Commendation
Jaha Dukureh is applauding the Liberian Deputy Speaker, Fonati Koffa, for being a major player in the Legislature and for championing bills in the interest of women including the bill to outlaw the practices of FGM, adding that the bill to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Liberia is one of the most significant bills championed and fully supported by the Liberia’s Deputy Speaker.
To show how important the strides of the Deputy speaker are to the United Nations, their ambassador took it upon herself to personally visit him in his office with her entourage and said.

“Honorable, I must confess that your stance against FGM is realistic and honest and since I been here, I have not found someone who is so passionate and firm on this issue as you: your dedication, your commitment your passion and your willingness to champion it is great.”

Fonati Koffa’s remarks, doggedness and sacrifice
During his remarks the esteemed gentleman Cllr. Koffa said he had to sacrificially postpone a planned trip out of the country to support the bill against fight against FGM; ensuring it is passed into law and the right legal instruments and mechanisms protecting victims and survivors of the practice.

It would be noted that, In June 2022, Deputy Speaker Koffa submitted a bill entitled,

“An Act Prohibiting female Genital Mutilation of 2022” which has been regarded as life-threatening to women; and remains deeply entrenched in some societies, including Liberia, and is widely practiced in several African counties.
Earlier the Deputy Speaker was very instrumental in the passage of the Domestic Violence Bill.

The fight to give women 30% representation
The sagacious Lawmaker who is now popular not just in Liberia but in west Africa and beyond due to his desire to defend and ensure the empowerment of the Liberian women recently spoke after a plenary that he believes there is inherent discrimination that must be corrected—as the call for women’s participation in politics is not only being discussed in Liberia but being discussed Internationally, adding that he will continue to campaign to increase women’s representation in politics, to achieve atleast, 30 percent in the country.

Deputy Speaker J. Fonati Koffa promising to robustly advocate with his colleagues and support the Women Legislative Caucus for its passage of the bill. He said an amendment is needed to tackle the inherent discriminatory law and legislate the Gender Equity Bill in order to ensure 30% women participation.
Furthermore, he revealed that 30 percent of women’s political participation cannot be achieved by just goal setting, but by a firm legal framework that will bring the 30 percent to reality through legislation and statutory mandate, hence his all out venture to bring the legal framework to bare in achieving the lofty goal.
Needless to say, that Africa is in dire need of men like Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa, who are eager to defend the defenseless and ensure social justice and equity for all irrespective of gender and other archaic considerations.

Fonati Koffa of Liberia Gets United Nations Commendation

Fonati Koffa of Liberia Gets United Nations Commendation