4th US-Africa Non-Oil Sectors Forum 2016, Atlanta Georgia

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African Leadership Magazine is putting together the 4th US-Africa Non-Oil Sectors Forum, 2016 as a response and a follow-up to the highly successful three editions of the forum.

Analysts have observed that the sustained volatility of the world oil prices presents a unique opportunity for forward thinking economies to expedite actions and steps aimed at building a diversified export based economy. Available statistics have shown that only a few continent can match Africa’s endowment in natural resources.   With over 60% of the world’s reserve of uncultivated lands; 1 Billion ready market for goods and services, Africa’s sustained momentum in the face of myriads of challenges and her staying power is less understood. The forum is therefore conceived to showcase some of the continent’s huge investment potentials to a large gathering of buyers, investors, policymakers and other key stakeholders.

The Forum with the Theme: Partnership for Shared Prosperity is aimed at directly linking U.S. investors and corporations with targeted and industry specific projects and opportunities for business development within the participating African countries.  It is designed to attract African presidential and regional delegation, US government agencies involved in Africa, private sector leaders, senior government officials and other relevant stakeholders. Previous editions had hosted political, business and diplomatic leaders, with over 95% assurances of repeat attendance from previous forum participants and guests.

We, therefore, invite you to join other investors, buyers, policy makers, analysts among other stakeholders as we accentuate yet again, Africa’s unique investment offerings in the Non-Oil sectors.

For Registration inquiries, sponsorship and speaking opportunities and any other inquiry please send a mail to kingsley@old.africanleadership.co.uk or info@old.africanleadership.co.uk or call: +2347036827724, or +2349029903000


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