U.S. Military Says Conducted Strikes against Somalia’s Al Shabaab Early This Week

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Harvard Kennedy School Mid-Career/Mason Fellow Fadumo Dayib, will graduate in May. She is a Somalian refugee who left her country in the 90s during civil war to live in Finland. As an adult, she worked for the UN, and after leaving HKS, she plans to run for president of Somalia in 2016. She is pictured outside Harvard Kennedy School. Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer

Fadumo Dayib, Somalia Elections 2016 Presidential Candidate



By Phil Stewart

The U.S. military conducted two strikes in southern Somalia early this week that killed four al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab militants involved in attacks on Somali government troops, a U.S. military spokeswoman said on Wednesday.

The U.S. military has in the past used drones to target al Shabaab’s senior leaders. The Pentagon said in June it carried out a strike in late May against Abdullahi Haji Da’ud, one of al Shabaab’s senior military planners and served as a principal coordinator of attacks in Somalia, Kenya, and Uganda.

The latest strikes took place in Torotorow in Lower Shabelle region, on Monday.

“During a Somali-led counter-terrorism operation, a large group of armed al Shabaab fighters attacked the force, threatening the safety and security of the forces in the area,” Captain Jennifer Dyrcz, a U.S. Africa Command spokeswoman, said. “In response, the U.S. conducted two self-defence strikes… killing four al Shabaab militants.”

Al Shabaab was pushed out of Mogadishu by African Union peacekeeping forces in 2011 but has remained a potent antagonist in Somalia, launching frequent attacks aimed at overthrowing the Western-backed government.