15 Facts You Need to Know about Leadership

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  1. Leaders are made, not born.
  2. What you do teaches your subordinates more than what you say.
  3. When everyone is planting apples, plant oranges.
  4. You are only as good as your team.
  5. What you say attracts followers; what you do keeps them.
  6. Failure is your best asset, complacency is your worst liability, and talent is your greatest capital.
  7. You can’t please everyone, but if you have to, please those who benefit you the most.
  8. You are no greater than what you do for the least of those beneath you.
  9. Titles give you authority; character gives you power.
  10. You are remembered for what you give, not for what you take―as well as for what you build, not for what you destroy.
  11. Intelligence helps you build companies; wisdom helps you build empires.
  12. In thoughts, you must be wise; in speech, you must be cautious; in sentiment, you must be positive; and in actions, you must be prudent.
  13. If you use fear to command your subordinates, they will fight for you; if you use love, they will die for you.
  14. To be a good leader, win minds; to be a great leader, win hearts; and to be an extraordinary leader, win souls.
  15. Knowledge brings you to the mountain, intelligence takes you up its side, and understanding takes you to its top, but wisdom takes you to the stars.